Approach to Care
Basic Approach
My study in both psychology and social work helped me to appreciate and understand the many different factors leading to the difficulties people may encounter in life, both internal and external. It gave me a fuller grasp of a wider range of possible ways to help people. One of the reasons I did advanced study of family therapy was that it offered pathways to keep thinking about how to extend this. For me, family therapy is not only about who is in the room but about a way of thinking that alerts me to the inner and outer worlds of the people I see – whether it is several generations, a couple or an individual.
We don’t only live in an inner world but in a socio-economic and physical environment. My approach never assumes someone is at fault; I explore the complex ways that problems in living emerge. People and their difficulties take many forms; so do solutions.
I work with individuals, couples and families, bearing in mind that families live in a wide range of ways, not necessarily only as a couple with children. I not only help people get closer; where necessary it may be around the pain of moving away and all the challenges involved. There are many life transitions for a family and that can involve adjusting to parenthood, work demands, illness and retirement. Life happens, whether it be a tragic loss, an unexpected challenge or a triumph.
Typically, people try to solve problems themselves and in their own ways. It’s awful for them when their usual efforts don’t work and I have enormous respect for those who decide to find new approaches. I draw on many theoretical ideas and believe we should fit these to people, not the other way around.
Many clients also remark on the wisdom I offer from many years of experience. Some of it is hard earned and some is a gift from those I have helped.